Steam Stopper vs ShowerDome vs Turtle Shell

Lets Compare Apples vs Apple vs Apples

Steam Stopper vs Shower Dome vs Turtle Shell - Apples for Apples
Steam Stopper vs Shower Dome Apples for Apples
Shower Dome vs Steam Stopper vs Turtle Shell Apples for Apples
Shower Dome vs Steam Stopper Apples for Apples

Firstly, let’s get the facts straight.

There are 3 Brands on the market, Steam Stopper vs Turtle Shell vs Shower Dome
Each Brand solves exactly the same problem in exactly the same way. Click to see how they work


So, what’s the difference I hear you asking ?

Well actually, not a lot of difference between all 3 brands really.

Each of the 3 Brands are made from a plastic material called Acrylic ( PMMA is the official title for the material ). Showerdome, on their website claim their Plexiglas material is superior, but in actual fact Plexiglass is simply a brand name of an acrylic sheet, nothing different to what Steam Stopper or Turtle Shell products are made from. What is different, is that ShowerDome material is clear, whilst Steam Stopper and Turtle Shell products are both Translucent

What’s the advantage of a clear Dome over an Translucent Dome ?
Well, actually nothing, in fact there are a number of dis-advantages of a clear dome
1. Clear material scratches easily while any scratches on an Translucent material are harder to see.
2. Clear material shows any manufacturing imperfections, easier than Translucent material does.
3. Clear material shows Dust and dead moths easier than an Translucent material does.
4 Clear material is susceptible to damage when handled, in fact even when cleaning, any sort of clear material must be handled with more care than any Translucent material.

Why is ShowerDome a smooth dome while Steam Stopper and Turtle Shell are patterned ?

Well, the different design is all about how the product is manufactured.
The Steam Stopper and Turtle Shell product is manufactured using a thermoforming process which sucks the hot acrylic material over a machine mould, and you can see the process here
Thermoforming technology allows the introduction of detailed shapes and designs, and enables the Steam Stopper and Turtle Shell products to be made into an attractive and modern geodesic shape.
The geodesic shape of the Steam Stopper and Turtle Shell domes is also designed to diffuse light. In Laymans terms, natural and artificial light is refracted into the shower, much like a cover plate on a fluorescent tube refracts and spreads light out, therefore magnifying available light and making your shower pleasant.

Showerdome product is Blow Moulded with air, this process is explained here
Steam Stopper and Turtle Shell products are both designed to be DIY products which saves you money. Installation is easy, and is explained here.
Steam Stopper and Turtle Shell are available from leading building supplies stores, and direct on line. While the Shower Dome product is typically sold via an installer at extra cost.

All three products carry consumer warranties. Showerdome claim a lifetime Guarantee, although what that covers is not clear !

So, having now compared all three apples, which one will you choose, Steam Stopper, Turtle Shell, ShowerDome?
They have all been on the NZ market for over 5 years

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